United Properties strives to cultivate and maintain good relationships with real estate agents and brokers. 联合地产重视互利关系的重要性, which is why United Properties offers a referral bonus for Michigan property management clients and tenant referrals. 联合地产是全职的, 提供全方位服务的住宅物业管理公司,管理单户住宅, townhomes, condos, 以及多户住宅.
The professionals at United Properties have a combined 95 year experience managing rental properties for ourselves, 其他业主及投资者. 联合地产是当地的全职住宅物业经理. 联合地产精通物业管理业务. United Properties knows the local market in Kent County and the greater Grand Rapids Area, including Alto, East Grand Rapids, Caledonia, Byron Center, Grandville, Jenison, Hudsonville, Wyoming, Cutlerville, Lowell, Rockford, Forest Hills, Ada, Cascade, Sparta, Cedar Springs, Walker, Belmont, Cannonsburg, Comstock Park, Dutton, Forest Hills, and Northview.
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When the client you refer experiences our professionalism and quality service they will thank you. 推荐您的客户和顾客到联合物业.
United Properties offers a referral bonus when a real estate agent or broker refers us an investor for property management. United Properties works to maintain the excellent customer service your clients expect, 同时适当奖励你的推荐.
这笔费用将通过您的经纪公司在签订物业管理合同后支付. For example, if you refer a 3 unit, with rents of $800 each, the referral bonus will equal $600. ($800 x 3 = $2,400 * 25% = $600.)现在这是一笔轻松的现金!
Some brokers manage rentals because they feel they must in order to get repeat listing and sales from their clients. However, it is impossible to give the full service and abide by all the government regulations without a full-time management team. 联合房地产公司将接管你的租赁库存, 付给你推荐费, 为你的客户和顾客提供优质的管理服务, 当你的业主/客户准备出售时, 你会让房产重新上市并出售. 这真的是双赢.
厌倦了管理上的麻烦? 联合地产会买下你的管理账户
Tired of the mid-night calls, days in court, want to get out of property management all together? 联合地产会买下你在密歇根的物业管理账户. 联合地产(United Properties)有公式和计划,可以轻松实现转型. 任何询问或讨论都将严格保密. 所有相关方都将签署保密协议. 这是为了保护澳博app下载网现在和将来的业务关系.
联合地产是澳博官方网站房地产经纪人协会的骄傲成员, SWMRIC多重上市服务, 全国租赁物业经理协会, 医疗里程资源组, 肯特郡出租物业业主协会, 密歇根州物业管理协会, 西密歇根州物业管理协会和全国公寓协会.
Areas We Serve
- Grand Rapids
- Kentwood
- East Grand Rapids
- Grandville
- Wyoming
- Comstock Park
- Ada
- Forest Hills
- Walker
- Marne
- Muskegon
- Rockford
- Sparta
- Lowell
- Alto
- Byron Center
- Caledonia
- Jenison
- Jamestown
- Hudsonville
- Holland
And more!
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